esgeee wrote in motspeinture Jun 23, 2015 19:58
tv: white collar, movie: tolkein, tv: benched, tv: psych, tv: once upon a time, tv: gossip girl, tv: parks and recreation, tv: suits, movie: marvel cinematic universe, tv: sherlock, book: harry potter
slytheringurrl wrote in motspeinture Apr 19, 2015 00:49
tv: white collar, community: inspired20in20, tv: psych, tv: chuck, tv: once upon a time, graphics: icons, tv: gossip girl, movie: disney, tv: 12 monkeys, tv: suits, movie: marvel cinematic universe
slytheringurrl wrote in motspeinture Nov 04, 2014 23:24
tv: white collar, tv: psych, tv: once upon a time, graphics: icons, movie: misc, tv: suits, movie: despicable me, tv: arrow
slytheringurrl wrote in motspeinture Apr 18, 2014 21:02
tv: white collar, tv: game of thrones, community: tvshow20in20, tv: psych, tv: chuck, graphics: icons, tv: gossip girl, tv: suits, tv: misc
slytheringurrl wrote in motspeinture Jan 07, 2014 13:53
graphics: icons, tv: white collar, tv: psych, tv: once upon a time
slytheringurrl wrote in motspeinture Jan 07, 2014 13:48
graphics: icons, community: tvshow20in20, tv: psych